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South Plains LeatherFest 2005

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South Plains Leatherfest 2005 was a collection of the truly wonderful. Men and women who we hold as our heroes, models of how we want to be and of how we want to live.



Together In Leather

Master/slave Title Holders


Great Lakes


Stand still for a moment. Look around, notice where you are, and who you’re with. The Crown Plaza Hotel in Dallas Texas is full of dynamic doer’s. The quality of the event, of the presentation, of the environment all say this is first class.


Event Owners


Event Producer


It is easy to find a collection of people who are good at criticizing, finding fault with everything and everyone. What is unusual is to be where everyone there is ready to be observed doing what their heart tells them to do. Men and women who know who they are and what they are capable of don’t seek our approval.


2004 Master/slave



Master Jim, slave marsha, and Mark Frazier put together an event where you felt proud just be invited. Being included among the best and boldest, not just in the leather community, but in the world in which we live, is an honor


1995 Itrn'l slave




Our congratulations go out to Sir Stephen and slave catherine, the winners of the 2005 International Master and International slave Contest, who will be representing us for the next year. From four feeder contests around the country, brave contestants offered their service to our community.




Nothing is more beautiful than those who are, but instead of reveling in their beauty, spend their lives looking for more ways to do more and be more, accepting and acknowledging all the help they can get along the way without a selfish moment.




The weekend was also the occasion for the selection of the 2005 Master and slave. Four couples who “walk the walk” competed to represent us for the next year. What a responsibility. Little opportunity for glory, but great risk of being criticized, misunderstood, demeaned. Yet, willing to do what can be done to change the world into a place where honest people of integrity can live in freedom and respect. It doesn’t take a political analyst to know how much is left to be done to achieve that objective.




Once the year is up, and the current sash comes off, you would expect each couple to go quietly back to less demanding lives. Instead, this event attracts most past Master/slave title holders, each with a renewed interest in alternative ways to continue the purpose they previously carried for their constituents.




Those who don’t seek fame, become famous. Those who seek only to serve, become recognized. The purity of heart of everyone encountered through the entire weekend made each one famous, a beautiful unpretentious representative of us all. Everyone I met was there to see how they could contribute, not to find what they could get from being there, and because of their intention, everyone received the gift of family, of leather tribe, and of mutual education.




It is rare to have the feeling that you are among some of the greatest people in the world. Being amidst the movers and the shakers, those who are willing to stand up and be counted, near those who want to make a difference is life-changing of itself.




There were no clones. Everyone was a unique representative of who they are personally and authentically. No one was trying to act like someone else, or to be anyone they are not. Some had more wardrobe changes than there are hours in a day. Some were dressed the same Friday evening and they were Sunday afternoon. Most important, nobody cared.




Mutual respect, both universally given and expected creates an environment that stills the soul to demand more of the same in the world. Honored not for being the same, but for being different is what makes South Plains what it is. What a wonderful message to give to others. What a wonderful lesson to learn. What a wonderful place to be. See you all next year!









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