Born Slaves FAQ

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Who a slave is was given to another by the slave's Creator. This is the only difference between a slave and any other man or woman who accepts the destiny for which each was designed. Let's explore how that feels to a potential slave, and how a slave might recognize whether or not the slave spirit is present.

There is a special spirit inside every slave. That spirit is unique in all the world but holds common characteristics with all others who are created to be slave. It was placed there before conception by the Creator in accordance with the agreement reached with the soul. The slave spirit is a very natural, unaffected animal, very much like the other animals of the world. Interchangeably, the words "slave", "spirit" and "animal" can be used once the real nature of slavery is understood. They all make reference to the same entity within anyone who is slave.

Why is it so difficult to accept being a slave?

The challenge is in the ego. Our whole life we are taught that we are who we are referring to when we say "I" or "me". Everyone in our support system convinces us the ego reference is to who we are. Everything we encounter while growing up refers to our need to identify and develop everything that we egotistically discover, are consciously aware of, and think that we want.

While we are each occupied with the process of taking care of our personal development, the slave animal remains dormant. The spirit patiently awaits a suitable environment into which it can come to life. The spirit is wise, and always has been. It won't expose itself to anything that isn't in its best interest and that contributes to its well being. If the necessary conditions are never encountered, the slave will never take its first breath. Those conditions are demanding. They must support a destined life.

At times during a slave's development, either consciously or by accident, there are temporary situations which will evoke a response from the animal. It will expose itself for a brief and controlled amount of time. The experience confirms to us the existence of the spirit, and encourages us to continue the pursuit of slavery. These glimpses into who we really are, along with the appetites we usually call fetishes that we were created with encourage us to explore further.

What the spirit really searches for, however, is an environment in which it can come to life, grow and never have to return to its dormant state. It is the spirit's purpose to locate and accept the environment in which that can be done.

What does it take to for the slave to find the environment it needs?

The slave's limitation is that it can never produce its own environment. The spirit requires its owner, the one who shares its spirit. Only the owner can direct that part of himself, the slave part, and empower the necessary growth. That is the challenge of slavery.

Slavery isn't about relationships, activities, protocols, or titles. Slavery is about the search for, and acceptance of its owner who can give the spirit the opportunity to live. The Creator who placed the spirit inside doesn't give someone a destiny of slavery and then not provide the opportunity for it to develop. The egotistic human who contains the spirit doesn't perform the search for an owner, the spirit itself finds and presents the owner when the spirit is ready.

The struggle is with time. The spirit can't, and won't, accept its destiny until it is completely ready. And, until it is ready, there is nothing the egotistic slave can do to accelerate the process. When the spirit is prepared, the Creator will provide the "coincidence" necessary for its development to begin. The slave doesn't have to arrange for it. The slave has to be open to it. The egotistic slave doesn't even know when he's ready, but the spirit does. Therefore, it is the slave's job to accept the opportunity to come to life when it is presented, not to create the opportunity in the first place.

The slave gets confused along the way. There is this long period of time between when we are born and when we are prepared to accept our destiny. During that time, our SM and other appetites direct the search to experiences which yield temporary satisfaction. These experiences are quick looks at the way it could and should be. A danger is presented during the wait. When these partial, temporary experiences feel beneficial the slave can be lulled into thinking it is his job to make the temporary experience permanent.

There is nothing instinctive that tells a slave that his experiences are intended to prepare him for his destiny, not to be the fulfillment of it. There is nothing in the slave's instincts which tell him that his job is to accept someone else as his owner. The slave usually feels his connection through a need to provide service, not find the single owner of the spirit that lives inside. The slave concludes that it is his job to find a relationship, instead of his destiny.

As more egotistic success is achieved, the slave continues to explore the same type of negotiated arrangements that yielded initial temporary benefits. This process is much like enjoying our sophomore year, and working at repeating it over and over for a lifetime. Frustration is the result. The ego, and the intellect with which we support the ego, make the process even more difficult.

Personal development has as its objective becoming egotistically strong. Being egotistically developed is what prepares us to accept our destiny. In fact, it is critical to the process of becoming egotistically successful. The ego, however, concludes that personal development is the same as destiny. So, it believes, being completely egotistic is the fulfillment of who we are.

Until a slave knows better, it is the inevitable belief that he is who his ego is. Our society, our therapists, our friends and our families all confirm our erroneous belief. There are few clues that we should even be looking into someone else to find who we are. We settle for the popular thought, that our egos are who we are.

Only the one nagging feeling that something is still missing causes us to question the error of our conclusion about the ego. It takes courage and strength to look for an answer about who we are in places that everyone is telling us it is crazy to look. There is no support system for encouraging anyone to explore slavery as the answer to their spiritual aspirations. Finding who we are in someone else sounds too much like co-dependence and we've spent a fortune getting over that. Being a slave sounds too much like what we fought a civil war for, and for what many have died for to have the freedom to be who they were meant to be.

Slavery is neither co-dependence nor the imposed submission that others have suffered throughout history. The ego intentionally misunderstands the difference as an excuse not to walk the path for which a slave was created. So long as the ego can argue that there is no solution, it doesn't have to accept one.

So, what happens then?

Life's experiences challenge the slave to let go. The slave begins to feel afraid. Egotistically, our training and development have taught us that we need to "take control", become personally directed, set our own goals, make things happen for ourselves, and create our own reality.

Letting go threatens all of the egotistic achievements that have been a sign of our success. Letting go taps into the fear of not being able to control our life, not being able to self-control our dark nature which might want to do something wrong, or that others wouldn't approve of. We know we would lose our right to negotiate for anything if we let go. We "enjoy" the fear of not being able to pursue what we want.

Our success at negotiating for a successful weekend, or week, or month, or six months, leads the slave to feel that all he needs is the right to negotiate the same thing for a life time. That's not how life works. That's not how the spirit works. That's not how relationships work.

The spirit must be let go, it must be set free. Like any animal, all spirits need the adventure of discovery to find out who it is. Kept in a cage the size of the body, no one will ever learn the nature of what is caged. Self control is a self-made prison the same size as the body. The perfectionist takes pride in how small the prison is. The perfectionist's height of achievement is building a space so small that there isn't room to make a mistake.

In real life, in real slaves, the result of our self-made prison is that the spirit never comes to life because of the limited size of its containment. It doesn't even try to live. It has the wisdom not to try to grow in an environment that won't support it.

How, then, can the spirit be allowed to live?

The slave spirit must be controlled by another. It cannot live when it has any right to negotiate. It has no life so long as it can want for itself. It can feel only fear until it can find someone to whom it can give unqualified obedience.

To whom can a slave give unqualified obedience?

The spirit must find its owner. That is very different from finding the human body's owner. This distinction is where the misunderstanding of property, and of rights has come from. Egotistic slaves still think that they have the right to negotiate for the owner of their body, while they retain their own egotistic control of the spirit.

The spirit owns the body, not the ego. The owner owns the spirit, and in the same way as he owns his own spirit. It is owned not as property but as self identification. When the body is owned directly, then it is merely property. That denigrates and denies the value of a slave. A slave cannot be property. That would be to have less value, and less protection than provided by the S.P.C.A. and laws that protect animals. There is nothing lesser about a slave. A slave is destined.

The egotistic objection to not using "I" and "me" is a reflection of the fear and reluctance to admit that the ego doesn't own who a slave is. To acknowledge that the slave spirit owns the body is to acknowledge the ego has no rights, has no control over who the slave is, nor over what it does, nor with whom it has a relationship.

When it isn't clear that the soul, the slave spirit, owns the body, the whole point of slavery is missed. Missing the whole point is the purpose of the ego. To indulge the ego is to continue to miss the point, the purpose, and the solutions to a slave's fulfillment and happiness.

How does the slave spirit grow?

It first has to grow through the egotistic preparation for its destiny. For someone who is slave the chronic egotistic control of the internal spirit eventually feels like an overwhelming burden. It doesn't feel right to a slave to always have to exercise egotistic control. The natural appetites of a slave for SM power, and the security of bondage, plus all the other instinctive appetites drive the slave spirit to seek and explore.

Some who are slave, some who have always carried the spirit inside, willingly submit to SM as an egotistically controlled release for the agreed-to amount of time that will allow the spirit to feel some freedom. Afterwards, the spirit is put back to sleep by the re-emergence of the ego's self control. This allows the slave to be controllably out of control. The spirit can be temporarily released without actually giving it any power, or any control of the "real" parts of life.

The appetites remain unrequited, regardless of what diversions and distractions are performed so long as the ego has any rights or influence. The ego feels it must stay powerful to prevent the spirit from running wild. The ego is convinced that without itself we would follow the spirit and do unreasonable, unthinkable, embarrassing, disgusting things that others would criticize. We fear being thought of as having "unseemly exuberance"

The spirit is always experienced as being powerful and playful. There is a natural fear of giving anything that is so powerful and uncontrollable its "head." because it could do things that are not controlled and that might expose the slave. This brings out another fear that is similar to the feeling of being outed. It feels like arranging for our own self outing, by a part of ourselves that we can't keep under control. It is no wonder that we find such clever and un-relentless egotistic objections to putting ourselves into a position where we could expose ourselves to such behavior and results.

A slave, therefore, simultaneously feels that it wants to be controlled by another and at the same time needs to egotistically remain in control to insure an environment that makes sense, that is reasonable, and that doesn't denigrate the value or esteem of the slave. This is a dilemma. How can you act like a slave and still remain in a position powerful enough to assure protection of the slave's well being and best interest?

What is the solution?

Two conditions must be present. First, the slave's ego must be powerless so that there is no one but the owner to control the owner's spirit inside the slave. Second, the owner must act with a responsibility for the slave that is superior to the slave's potential or actualized responsibility for himself.

Why would anyone be motivated to take on such a responsibility?

Only someone who morally, really, and spiritually considers the slave to be a part of himself would be willing. No one would make a life-long commitment to another without believing some immutable relationship exists that was created beyond human control, and beyond any human right to dissolve it.

A slave is destined to belong to another. When that other is placed into the slave's life, the spirit is free to grow because, for the first time, there is someone in whom to place the obedience which sets the spirit free.

When is someone ready to begin development?

Each of the BORN slaves, and all of those currently committed to the development of their slavery did not plan on finding an owner. The meeting was both unexpected and compelling. There was no examination, no interview, no research, and no selection process. There was nothing to argue with or against. The spirit insisted and issued a captivating command. There was no choice, nothing to consider, and nothing logically to discuss. Such meetings are always, and only, the result of a slave's personal prayer of willingness to serve its Creator instead of its own selfish interest.

When someone is still "trying to decide" whether to accept an owner he isn't ready to begin his slave development. Only after the spirit is prepared can it accept the development of its destiny. Until then, the ego must continue to be developed and matured to ready it to accept the inevitable. Until the ego is developed far enough to know that it has tremendous capacity but still doesn't have any ability to produce happiness, it continues to argue, to consider, to discuss, to explore, to posture, to pretend that it has some control and influence over what must happen, and when it will happen.

The argument and struggle is a confirmation that the ego isn't ready. The spirit is patient, and won't arrange for its development until the willingness that comes from egotistic development is adequate. So long as there remains a conscious doubt, a slave shouldn't consider the development of his slavery because he isn't ready to begin. That doesn't preclude having SM, bondage, and slavery experiences or relationships. It maturely recognizes that experiences and relationships are different from and therefore not the spiritual development of a slave's destiny. They are, instead, preparation for it.

When the spirit is compelled, because it knows the ego is ready, the opportunity for slave development happens without being arranged through personal effort. It then takes only willingness on the part of the slave. It will probably happen unexpectedly, and when its NOT something you're looking for. What we egotistically control, the Universe will not fight us for.

When the owner is put into the slave's life, the development of the spirit inside can then start. The spirit has always been a part of its owner. When the owner finds his spirit within a slave, and the slave is willing to give it to its rightful owner, then the conditions are, for the first time, in place for its growth.

What develops the slave spirit?

The slave spirit is too wild, too untamed, and so undomesticated that it cannot be allowed to act on its own until it learns to obey. Common sense has kept it reined in, under self control, and therefore stifled. The slave cannot begin to know itself until it can explore without self control. The slave cannot begin to explore until it first learns to obey.

When a slave knows how to obey, and is obeying the only person in whom he can place absolute obedience, the one who will protect the spirit, the slave can finally let go. Life is not about controlling. It is about never being able to control again, never having to, and never wanting to.

The development process is one of exploring, to see what the spirit will do, how it will feel, and to find out what it is like. The slave must first learn to know the spirit that lives inside, that has always belonged to another. Then he must learn to trust and love that spirit, because it is all, and everything, the slave is and will ever be.

The spirit must learn to live and express in the absolutely safe control of the owner through the sessions that both empower and force the spirit to venture into unknown territory. At the same time it must slowly learn to be allowed to live in obedience for the remainder of life, in the work place, in the family, in school, in hobbies and in every area. It is dipped into complete and safe exposure to experience, then taken out to learn to live in a world when the owner isn't physically present, but is only inside, inside as the spirit that lives within.

The perfectionist will attempt to keep tight egotistic controls on the spirit, to make sure it doesn't do anything wrong. This can keep it from being able to run free at all. There will be a fear of being in any position where control cannot be maintained. Excuses will be found to prevent the opportunity to have a session of exposure. As the willingness to face and accept the truth becomes strong enough, the slave will let the spirit be empowered by its owner, and to let it go anywhere the owner wants it to go.

Only the owner can protect the spirit. Only the owner can empower it to explore. Only the owner can allow the spirit to express itself honestly and without any limits, or bounds. The owner forces it into situations, places, and circumstances where it must be exposed. Nothing can or will remain hidden. No agenda nor control will remain undisclosed.

The conscious obedience to the owner is the only lifeline that can allow the spirit to run free. If the owner calls it back from a dangerous place, without obedience, the spirit will continue and run into the potential dangers. When the slave is sure that he will obey, then the spirit can be allowed to go anywhere and everywhere. The owner's knowledge that he has both the ability and the intention of protecting his own spirit inside the slave, gives the slave spirit the absolute freedom it must have to grow.

The spirit is forced to go where it can expose the hidden desires for control, or for protection. It is forced to uncover the angers, resentments, disappointments, hatred, blame, and judgments that contaminate us. If we control, or feel inappropriate, any response, then we control all response. We are either open or we are not. We can't be both available and hidden at the same time. Wherever there is any limit, there is every limit.

Honesty is powerhouse of growth. It is easy to direct a slave to have no response during a powerful session. It is easy to direct him to issue lots of "Oh, Yea's" upon command. What is difficult, and the most challenging, is to order a slave to respond honestly, no matter what the response is. The honest response is the only response of any value. All the rest is acting.

When complete honesty is learned, the growth continues through every situation, in business, personal, social, inside and outside the lifestyle. The slave learns that the spirit inside works in complete moral certainty. Every circumstance and situation has a clear answer when the owner's spirit is allowed to give the answer. Every potential path is known to be the right one or the wrong one, the one intended by its Creator or not, the destined path or the egotistic path.

The spirit claims the body it lives in to be its own, the one it uses to create action. The spirit inside claims the slave's mind as its own, to think with. The spirit inside claims the slave's heart as its own. And, the spirit IS the owner.

The spirit will not compete with the ego. If the ego tries to control it, it will disappear, go back into hiding, run away from the hostile, fatal environment the ego creates. The insight, the moral certainty, the happiness, the sense of purpose and of spiritual esteem disappear when the spirit disappears. When the spirit is alive and healthy, so is the slave.

The slave becomes empowered for its owner. The thoughts and actions become distinct and wise, inspired and effective. Through no motivation other than obedience, the slave's life becomes perfect and powerful as the spirit that he has allowed to live inside takes over.

Finally, the slave accepts that he is nothing more and nothing less than the owner's spirit that lives inside. That moment is the beginning of a life that contains only the activities of destiny. The precise actions and thoughts that the creator wants performed for ITS purpose, not ours, are the only ones performed. It is the owner's purpose to see that nothing else happens because the owner carries the moral responsibility for each and every action the slave makes.

The spirit of a slave always feels like it is "of another." It responds to and is excited by the owner, not the slave. That spirit has to be more than allowed to experience all the emotion and reaction that its owner wants it to feel. The spirit has to be encouraged and invited by the slave to accept the result of everything the owner exposes it to.

Nothing in the process is incidental to the development of the spirit. No activity is excluded. During slave development the spirit is directed by the same force and wisdom that directs its destiny after its development is complete. Both before and after BIRTH the Universe takes responsibility for its investment. That's what destiny is about.

The spirit's owner has to, himself, be in obedience to accept and implement the orders that place the slave spirit in all the situations needed to force the slave's development. Without the owner's obedience, there isn't enough wisdom to know what is required to create the circumstances to qualify a spirit to perform a destined life, follow a path that has never been followed ever before in all of human history. No human wisdom, egotistic knowledge, will ever be sufficient to direct or empower destiny.

Slave development is not a competition between the superiority of the owner's ego vs. the slave's ego. If that were the case, every slave's ego would always be more qualified than the owner's ego to run the slave's life. Slavery depends on neither the slave nor its owner living by the will of an ego.

Without both the belief in and the acceptance of a spiritual life along with a spiritual "logic" that is superior to the vastly limited form of human cause and effect logic, there is no chance of one man, an owner, being able to incite the destiny of another, a slave.

The slave spirit is what the spirit is. It is the shared part of an owner's soul. Slaves are the special creatures who occupy a position on this earth to live in complete obedience. When they learn who they are, at the hands of the owner, they can release everything else to the owner, and live only in destiny.

Slaves are blessed with someone to force and empower their destiny. That makes the achievement of their destiny faster, more directed, and founded on an un-compromised obedience.

In exchange, the Universe expects superior behavior from such creatures. The obedience from which slaves are BORN prepares them to perform tasks that less motivated creatures would opt out of. A slave can be expected to do what would be uncomfortable, and too challenging for others.

With the choice to be who we are created to be, disappears the choice about what to do during this life. It has been planned, and it is a slave's only purpose to accomplish the plan.

Once the obedience that empowers a slave's destiny is understood, it is the a slave's greatest fear that the order not be there. It is only the obedience that makes either the development or the destiny happen. It is like having no air to breath, or food to eat to consider not having an order to obey. The struggle isn't with obeying. The struggle is with not obeying. A slave's fear is that he won't obey. To not obey will prevent the acquisition and realization of the purpose for which the slave was created, and deny the experience of true happiness in this life.

A slave knows he is slave when the slave understands that he neither owns nor belongs to himself. When the spirit is prepared to begin, when the slave is ready to accept the opportunity to become slave, and when the slave is ready to accept the spirit inside as being who he is, a slave will become a slave, a slave will be BORN. It is its destiny!


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