Born Slaves FAQ

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A philosopher once asked the people before him, “Do you want to die right, or do you want to die happy?” He added that it was an either/or choice, and argued that whichever choice was made, that it would exclude the other.

My grandmother proffered, usually every day, that the only good acts we perform are those we never tell anyone about. Her position was that those silent acts are the only ones we will ever get divine credit for. Her reasoning was that if we did anything so we could “brag it” to others that the act was no longer an act of charity but was, instead, motivated by our desire to enhance our image. Real acts of charity have to be performed silently without claim or credit to count.

Slaves must obey to inherit their growth. The Ones they obey must seek to have their own inspired connection so they are guided by more than human ego with which to run another’s life. Those who take responsibility for the lives of others live in human form and are prone to human failure despite their obedience to something greater than themselves.

Sometimes slaves get confused that they are supposed to always be right, instead of always being obedient. There is a big difference between being obedient and being right. Being right is arrogant. Being obedient is a humble act.

Being right is an egotistic self judgment. The ego establishes an “error rate” against which our personal value can be assessed. The result of that evaluation is one of the components of egotistic self esteem. Egotistic humans use the percentage of rightness as a factor in self determination of self esteem.

Slaves dedicate their lives to obedience to become better than the egotistic humans they were without their slavery. Obedience is the focus and practice with which they achieve this potential for superior evolution. Egotistic habits like being right are the impediments and barriers that are burned away, commonly through the use of physical SM administered by Someone who holds the intention of doing so.

Egotistic habits are so common in the human habit that they often go un-noticed, or are accepted without review. What is seen in themselves and witnessed in others as being ordinary behavior escapes self examination and remains in the slave personality.

Obedience is a slave’s gift to the relationship through which it develops. Responsibility is the gift the Developer offers. The act of being right is an act of disobedience.

Critiques are a dime a dozen. Being a critique is so common that some take pride in how many “pot holes” in life they can find, considering it normal to do so.. Humans as young as the age at which they begin to speak already posses the capacity to criticize, to find fault, to correct others. There is nothing special about picking anything or anyone apart. Doing so is child’s play, no matter what the age of the “child”.

Every thought a slave has about the errors of its Developer builds a doubt of competence. Attitude has been defined as a habit of thought. When the habit of thought is “The One who runs this slave’s life is an error maker.”, the resulting attitude is a conclusion of incompetence. Who willingly desires their lives to be run by someone who is incompetent?

The devastating effect of a slave finding and correcting the human errors of the One they obey is a failure of trust. Without trust no meaningful personal growth can be achieved. The tiny insignificant human errors the slave so proudly locates seriously affects its life. The errors that are consistently disclosed matter to no one else, and the corrections are usually treated as annoyances. The image the slave produces of itsself is one of being disobedient. The slave thinks the image produced is one of being smart. Not so.

If the errors are significant and really do have an impact on the slave, or anyone else, then it is time to consider another “Guide” through life. When decisions about where to work, what SM to expose the slave to, or other life-changing orders are made in error, the development has already failed and it is time to make a change.

When the errors are simple mis-statements of incidental trivia recited during “cocktail” conversation, the idle banter of social visiting, there is an opportunity at each error for the slave to offer its gift.

Every insignificant error ignored becomes a gift. The habit of making its Developer “right” creates a different habit of thought, a different attitude. Simultaneously, the habit of finding someone right, no matter what, develops a deep internalized trust. Additionally, the habit subconsciously creates circumstances in which the slave’s Developer actually becomes right. Further, the habit produces an internal sense of pride in the One to whom the slave has sworn obedience.

Giving up the right to be right can feel like a big pill to swallow. The ego will try to make it feel the same as swallowing one’s pride. Obedience displaces the ego, and the ego fights that displacement through an insidious process of producing inaccurate conclusions without any evidence or even evidence to the contrary.

Forcing the lump in the throat that is the right to be right to be swallowed is an act of obedience. It is a quiet act, an unexpressed act, a gift to its Developer, and a gift to itself of growth and the overwhelming pride of having performed an undeclared act of giving.

The finest people on the planet are who they are because they do what they don’t tell others about. Each slave has the potential to inconspicuously become one of those outstanding people. A slave does it for the One it obeys, achieving the promise of slavery, one that could not be achieved without its slavery.

Belong to Someone who is right. Proudly obey them because they deserve it. The more They are, the more the slave is. The less they are, the less the slave is. Plan to be a lot. Make it so.

No thought a slave holds is without consequence. Each thought either contributes to the slave and others or that thought detracts from the quality of the world and of itself. What a slave finds right can make what it believes is right, to be right. What a slave finds wrong makes itself wrong.

Do you want to die right, or do you want to die happy?


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